Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Vicar General Appointed

The Las Vegas Diocesan website has changed to reflect a new Vicar General, Fr. Bob Stoeckig. Fr. McAuliffe, now on leave due to the financial investigation at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, appears to have consequently been completely removed from this influential position, although to my knowledge, no public announcements have been made.

Fr. Stoeckig is Pastor of St. Andrew's in Boulder City. You might recall this post, about the "magical" labyrinth at St. Andrew's.

Fr. Stoeckig was quietly transferred to St. Andrew's from St. Joseph Husband of Mary about 2 years ago (correct me if I'm wrong on how long ago this occurred), after that parish's coffers were found to have been completely drained. No allegations of financial impropriety were made against Fr. Stoeckig, but the fact remains that the large financial surplus the parish had enjoyed (estimated to be over $1 million dollars) disappeared under Fr. Stoeckig's administration. For example, solar panels in the parking lot, estimated to have cost upwards of $300,000 were installed, and it unclear where the rest of the money has gone.

Call to Prayer:

Lord God, your faithful sons and daughters are at your feet. Help us to fully give ourselves over to your Adorable Will and to trust completely in you. Bless your Holy Priests and Bishop, help and guide them so that they may always serve you first and foremost in all things. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. There you have it...

    "In the case of St. Andrew's, their website reveals a disturbing focus on the occult and on the inherent powers of the labyrinth. The web page contains several descriptive paragraphs entitled "The Magic of the Labyrinth". It contains no references to God or Christ. "


    "The Diocese's own website promotes this labyrinth at St. Andrews. On the parish's page there is a link to "The Magic of the Labyrinth". "

    Headline, New Age Religion Catholic Priest Replaces Orthodox Catholic Priest. This article assures me I am correct that Fr. Kevin has enemies within the Church that are stabbing him in the back.

    "No allegations of financial impropriety were made against Fr. Stoeckig" ......WOW!!!

    Thanks for the Info.

  2. Tonycpta: In all fairness, Fr. Stoeckig was not responsible for the labyrinth. It was there long before he was transferred.

  3. A pastor has authority to eliminate heretical practices from his parish. So the fact that Fr. Stoeckig has been at that parish in Boulder City for 2 years and has not done so makes him as responsible as his predecessor who established these things.

  4. A labyrinth is a prayer and meditation tool. it helps us with our journey to God. To presume that it is black magic is muIsguided. Please read more at

  5. To Anonymous (July 3, 8:42PM): There is no presumption of a labyrinth being black magic on this website - St. Andrew's own website makes the claim to magic. Please read in its entirety to learn about the claim and the Catholic objections to the use of labyrinths.


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