Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Msgr. Kevin McAuliffe Placed on Leave

Over the weekend, the parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton were informed that Msgr. Kevin McAuliffe, Vicar General of our Diocese, would be on leave and that a financial investigation at the parish would be conducted. Fr. James Jankowsi will be taking over in his stead. Little other solid information has been made available.

It is interesting to note that the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese, Fr. Francis Vivona, is Msgr. McAuliffe's own roommate. Fr. Vivona would typically be expected to be the one heading up the Tribunal that could investigate this case. Hopefully he will be excused from this particular case, considering the disturbing conflict of interest that this would otherwise present.

Two articles published recently give few details about the situation, but here they are:
Las Vegas Review-Journal

Msgr. McAuliffe should certainly be considered innocent until proven guilty, as are all priests who are placed on leave or investigated. Let us all pray to the Lord that this will be resolved in a timely manner, and that all innocent parties will be cleared of wrongdoing.

Call to Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we place our trust in your Divine Will, that the truth may be brought into the light and that your Holy Spirit will guide those involved in the investigation. We ask that Msgr. McAuliffe be shown your tender mercy and care, and that you strengthen your Holy Priest in his time of tribulation. Through the intercession of Mary our Mother, St. Joseph her Most Chaste Spouse, and St. Michael the Archangel, we pray to the Lord. Amen.


  1. Yes we need to pray for Fr Kevin! This is not going to end well! What you say about his roommate Fr Vivona is true but there is so much more to it. They are partners in decision making. OLOW has benefited financially by their relationship. It is like they shared the checkbook for the two churches and what they wanted for themselves. The finance committee at OLOW was a joke. Their heads could only bob up and down or they feared verbal abuse by the real person in control. I won't be surprised if Fr Francis is accused soon as well. I wonder what St Catherine of Siena would have to say!

  2. I have a very good source that told me a Private CPA firm is doing an audit and that Fr. Kevin went on leave immediately so there would not be any allegations that he did something funny with the books.
    IMO, This is a witch hunt because Fr. Kevin is a very good Orthodox Priest who preaches the TRUTH of the Catholic Faith. Fr. Kevin shut down Imago Dei, a Radical Pro-Homosexual group, that were desecrating the Cathedral a while back. I would not doubt if the Homosexual mafia is behind this. For sure it is the Enemy Within the Church that does not like Priest that are True to the Faith that are causing all this trouble for Fr. Kevin.

  3. You can't be sure of anything.......

  4. Mary,... you seem to have a lot of well-honed vitriole to spew forth for an individual who also comments that one "can't be sure of anything....".
    I am a parishioner at OLOW. I have held (and presently hold) several appointments as an officer in our Eparchy as well as for my parish including a seat on our Parish Council. (I have also served in the Office of the Tribunal for your Diocese.) I share an office here at OLOW with our parish accountant and would consider myself as one being quite well aware of the general ebb and flow of finances around this place. Believe me, Mary, we have no secret or "shared" books with St. Elizabeth; no overabundance of ill-begotten monies, and sometimes we barely make it as far as operational expenses go when the bills are due at the end of the month.(I would also like to point out that our Pastor - who drives a ten year-old car - does not take a salary from OLOW, but lives off of his paycheck from your Diocese nwhich he earns by running your Tribunal Office. Being a small parish, we are not yet able to provide him with a rectory, which is why he lives at St. Elizabeth's rectory with Fr. Kevin - a rectory which is quite modestly furnished I might add.)
    I would also like to further comment that I do not beleive any of my fellow parishioners serving on our Parish Finance Committee would view themselves as "frightened head-bobbers," nor regard their responsibilities in that area as "a joke."
    I do not know Msgr. Kevin well, but have gotten to know Fr. Francis quite well over the years. He does not countenance fools lightly nor does he draw to himself friends that are people who do evil and are detrimental to the Church.
    All things considered, it is my opinion at this point, Mary, that something other than actual facts is fueling your comments.

  5. It is true in criminal law that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. But that is not something that binds all people morally. It is reasonable to be suspicious. If these charges against Msgr. Kevin were truly frivolous, would this public action have been taken? The church has other ways of handling these things quietly when they don't have much merit. After his apx. 20+ years as a priest, he is entitled to a sabbatical. He could simply take a short sabbatical, the audit could take place while he is gone, and then he would come back exonerated. If it turned out then that he was guilty, his crimes could then be reported to the police. Why do such public damage to his reputation and to the church unless it is likely that there is merit to the accusations? This is very serious and sounds like it likely includes embezzlement.

  6. Mr Kilroy, I think you misunderstood. My statement that "you can not be sure of anything" was directed at the comment "For sure it is the Enemy Within the Church that does not like Priest that are True to the Faith that are causing all this trouble for Fr. Kevin."

    Anyway, you should apply for a job with OLOW. PR person is what I would go for. After reading all the comments on the other blogs, it is obvious that they need it.

  7. Frank Gratian is right. Sorry Paul Kilroy, you do not have all of the facts. Your loyalty is admirable, but, you are unfortunately wrong. For those who have a close connection to this diocese and have for some time, this development is no surprise. Mary Helms also hits the nail on the head.
    Tonycpta - the Diocese of Las Vegas does nothing proactively. I say this from personal experience and knowledge. This would never have happened unless true. That does not mean that the diocese will not try and cover it up. But since they went so public with this, they are trying to get out in front of this trainwreck to appear proactive. To the Moderator, you raise reasonable concerns about conflict of interest, but know that the tribunal will not investigate this matter. The Las Vegas tribunal only handles annulments. This is not a conservative/liberal thing. Fr. Kevin is no conservative, only comparatively more so than others in this sinking ship of a Diocese. A lot of phonyness going on, which finally caught up with him. In God's time, justice comes to everyone in this world and in the next. The list of errant priests is long in Las Vegas. The errant ones take advantage of their position, harm people's faith lives and eventually after many complaints have been ignored by the Diocese, the errant ones finally do something so bad that the Diocese cannot ignore the matter anymore. Father Kevin is a known gambler and obsessed with parish finances to the exclusion of all others. Yes, he resides with Fr. Francis and the two are thick as thieves - perhaps the phrase is all the more fitting now. This Diocese never tells the whole truth, but the fact that they revealed this means IMHO that the allegations are strong and clear. There may even be criminal charges. As a Catholic who has seen these kinds of things happen time and again, we have to remember that we place our faith in God and show respect to his clergy, but NOT a blind obedience to clergy. To do so is to act like a cult and I know Our Lord did not intend our Church to become a cult. This diocese needs a serious enema and a healthy, holy, God-fearing bunch of clergy, only by cleaning out those who are NOT faithful stewards or faithful servants can the Diocese of Las Vegas be a beacon of holiness in a sea of sin.

  8. Pope Benedict: Well said! People need to stop Satan when he wears a collar. Enough is enough!
    I have no personal knowledge of Fr Kevin having a gambling problem but I have read and heard it enough times this week to wonder if it is true. I would hear that he was such a hard worker, never taking time for himself. Why would anyone doubt that? He is on almost every church committee out there and he is the Vicar General. How does one find time to gamble with that schedule? How does he have time for the 12,000 families at St Elizabeth’s (SEAS)? He is even busy baptizing children of prominent parents who are not members of SEAS. The LVRJ published an article and picture reporting the baptism in the Melkite Rite at SEAS by Fr Kevin. Last I checked, SEAS was Roman Rite. Why are we baptizing children for other Rites when our own parishioners, in need of the Last Rites, can’t even get a priest to return their frantic calls for this extremely urgent Sacrament. I know of these cases personally. Maybe he was at the casino. I know my cell doesn’t work very well there.
    By the way, should I be fair, I have to mention how much more disturbing it was to read in the news that our own Bishop of LV, offered the Inaugural Mass for our new Governor, Mr. Sandoval, an avid pro-abortionist and, it goes without saying, an “a la carte” Catholic. We must stand up for humanity, lest we stand up for nothing!
    Yes, it would seem that there is a very strong connection between the two priests. Maybe it will come out in this investigation. Why would a Byzantine priest with his own parish and his own house (owned free and clear) have the need to live at a house, paid for with our donations, with Fr Kevin that is owned by the Diocese? Rumor has it that he also has a wing at his sister’s house, described as “nicely appointed”. Where does this money come from? I always heard that priests make a pittance. We all know that Diocesan Priests do not take a vow of poverty. Maybe they want us to believe that they are poor but I have yet to know of a poor priest, facing the likely prospect of living in his car or not having money for food. I know of many Catholics who are a paycheck away, if they don't get laid off tomorrow, of living in their cars. The Outreach program at SEAS is awesome but why such an imbalance? The Mormons seem to do a better job taking care of their own.

  9. Lastly, I have to comment on something that although it is not happening any more due to Fr Francis’s transfer, was why or how he was allowed to focus so many of his talks, homilies and classes at SEAS to bash the Roman Rite in favor of the supremacy of "his" Byzantine Rite. Fr Kevin had to have known. Why did he allow it?

    I was told by source that it was announced years ago at SEAS that the profits from the SEAS gift shop would go to the building fund for OLOW. Is that still the case now that they have built a hall and church since? It is curious that there is no mention of its benefit to SEAS or its profitability. We are an educated people. Churches cannot just take in our money and spend it without disclosure, and I don’t mean a single line entry in the weekly bulletin will do.
    Well, Fr Francis recruitment efforts may have benefited him a bit. From what I surmised, after hearing about his rants, it would have to be the “strong” that survive his abusive and unpredictable personality. His church should have have a fair number of X-Roman Rite, SEAS parishioners, with a little luck. After all he had an audience of 12,000 families for years. But unfortunately for him, to the contrary, probably having a lot to do with his personality, it is no surprise to me that his church, if what I heard is true, is not growing nor fills their seats on the weekend. That leads me to the question. How do they pay their bills?
    Recently, I did succumb to the “propaganda” and at the urging of one of their parishioners, visited OLOW for a second time. Only a handful of people attended the service, mostly senior citizens with a noticeable absence of young people and children. The church was dripping in gold and wall paintings. My first thought was……. were did they get all that money since the last time I was here? I was told that most of the ornamentation came from Greece and that Fr Francis “had to make” numerous trips to select everything. (SEAS looks like a big auditorium with pews in comparison.) A small number of women were present wearing shiny satin robes of random colors, reminiscent of the style of robes that you find worn by singers on a Sunday Evangelical TV program. A thick cloud of smoke from the incense, hung over the parishioners. It is hard to explain, but I felt a sense of chaos, not the peace and order that I feel at SEAS. I decided not to come back. To be fair, there is another Byzantine Church in Las Vegas, St Gabriel's, which seems to have no affiliation with Fr Francis. I would recommend trying that one. Fr Marcus is there and also is helping at SEAS. He is noticeably humble and kind.

  10. The Matter of Monsignor Kevin McAuliffe et al.

    I noted a remark in an article appearing in the June 20th, 2011 Las Vegas Review Journal attributed to Diocese of Las Vegas spokesperson Rachel Wilkinson that the Diocese of Las Vegas has engaged a certified public accounting firm to look into the Msgr. McAuliffe/SEAS financial matter. The exact nature of this financial matter has not been disclosed but has resulted in Msgr. McAuliffe taking a leave from his many duties.

    Since the outcome of the CPA firm’s investigation is crucial to the determining if any wrongdoing has actually occurred it is important that the firm doing the investigation be thorough and impartial. I’m curious if the diocese bid this engagement out to several CPA firms including the four national firms with offices here in Las Vegas in order to receive competitive proposals and pricing or was the engagement simply sole-sourced to their go-to-local-firm which they have used in the past and with whom they have a comfortable relationship. It would also be telling to know how the scope of the investigation was defined and by whom. That is, is the investigation a bona fide audit with a written, signed opinion letter on the CPA firm’s letterhead presented at the conclusion of the audit expressing the firm’s opinion as to the accuracy of the parish’s financial records and disclosing any findings pertinent to the issues under investigation? Or, is the investigation narrowly focused consisting of only what is known as “agreed upon procedures” that are possibly established solely by the diocese and very limited in scope which may or may not touch on all the critical issues that should be covered in this investigation. Hopefully, it is the former; a proper, comprehensive audit and formal report by an independent firm which at the end of the day can be relied upon by thousands of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioners, Catholics in general and, importantly, by the Church’s numerous skeptics who doubt the ability of the Church to conduct an honest investigation into its own affairs and issue a thorough, unbiased, unedited report of the findings.

    Perhaps the most important lesson for the Diocese of Las Vegas, whether wrongdoing is revealed or the allegations are unfounded, is the need for effective financial policies and controls at the parish level including comprehensive periodic audits — no exceptions, no waivers. If the allegations are found to have merit then either the existing system of financial controls and reporting isn’t effective in raising raise red flags in a timely fashion to prevent abuse. Or, if proper controls and procedures are in place, and those measures were somehow ignored or deliberately subverted, then that could only occur through negligence or collusion on the part of multiple parties. Either way the situation highlights a failure of management and the buck stops with Bishop Pepe and the diocese CFO.

  11. I am left wondering after reading all of these comments if this could possibly be the reason Father Mark Gantley, who is without a doubt the finest priest most of us have ever known, was ousted from the Diocese of Las Vegas. One of the first things that Father Mark did as parish priest of St Francis of Assisi was to publish a list of all of the church’s expenses in our bulletin. He was a good and honest priest who believed his parishioners had every right to know how their donation money was being spent. He also pushed for an audit of the money given to the building fund. Could it be that they knew that if he found corruption he would expose it? Could it be that they were fearful he would not remain silent if something was found? Father Mark by his very nature is a man who could not and would not abide dishonesty. Did they fear him? Just asking!!!

  12. I agree with Anonymous June 29, 2011 11:38am.

    We are so short on good priests in NV but they let go of a wonderful priest and a good teacher in Fr Mark Gantley, despite the thousands of petitions written to Bishop Pepe, showing support for Fr. Mark.

  13. Judy (daughter of the Blessed Mother)July 5, 2011 at 2:14 AM

    Judy (daughter of the Blessed Mother) said...

    Yes I am a daughter of the Blessed Mother and a parishioner at SEAS. I can only conclude from reading some of your opinions that some of you are lonely bitter people. Who just like to hear yourselves talk. To speak of a priest with such negative accusations. It is sad that you call yourselves catholic. If you were really sincere catholics you would not speak but instead be still and sit with the Lord in the chapel. The chapel where we have 24 hrs Adoration; just one of the many great ministries that Monsignor Kevin brought to our parish. If you want to really be a true catholic you would go in the chapel and pray to the Lord and trust in him. By filling other peoples heads with your unprofessional, uninformed opinions it is clear that you are not filled with the love of the Lord. Instead of negative e-mails try knee mail. Instead of gossiping on the phone why dont you crawl to the throne? Pray for the Lord to forgive you for judging a priest. It is not in good faith to speak poorly about a priest.You should pray for them at all times, especially in times of distress and discouragement. Your weak faith and your lack of confidence are grieving to the Blessed Mother and Jesus. I will pray that your heart will soften and you will realize that sometimes it is better to be still and quiet. And trust in the Lord for the outcome. Peace

  14. This was posted three yrs ago tomorrow in the RJ under an article about lack of vocations in Las Vegas. Interesting - three yrs. ago.

    Concerned Catholic wrote on July 13, 2008 07:05 PM:
    The fact that this diocese has the lowest amount of active clergy and up and coming vocations is directly related to the poor leadership of the bishop and the over-emphasis on money to the exclusion of concern for biblical principles. Kevin McAuliffe is not respected by the priests of the diocese; same with the bishop because both are consumed with their power and not with serving God's people or building up the diocesan priests. As soon as the bishop and Kevin McAuliffe start acting like Christians and acting with charity and justice towards all Christians in Southern Nevada then God will bless this diocese with more vocations. The lack of vocations of this diocese is directly related to the lack of faith and service to God and His Church. Once this bishop and Kevin McAuliffe begin to act like Christians and create a God-serving diocese, then vocations will flourish as will priests wanting to come here from other dioceses. Since that has not happened, this is precisely why there are very few priests serving in the diocese. Furthermore, if Kevin and Pepe did not mistreat so many priests and lay people alike, there would be more priests and lay people willing to serve this diocese. Until their attitude changes, nothing will change. They both need to go to confession and make amends for their sins; those two are bad people and their results are harming all Las Vegas Catholics.

    1. AMEN to anonymous, July 12.down with the Kevin-Vivona Pepe Bullying.

  15. Fr. Vivona is also the Rector at the Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer, assigned there by Msgr. Kevin last December after the openly unchaste homosexual lay administrator was fired.

    1. Great juggling act between Kevin and Vivona as they are the picture of guilt and paranoia as they play their games between SEAS and THE SHRINE.Must be very frustrating to be a real priest in their corrupt presence while McAulliffe becomes Monsignor...Sickening to Many of us .Bring back Father Phil, someone who brings uplifting joy and Hope.He brought me back, now I am lost again.

  16. Wow! There's an awful lot of priest/church bashing (Mary and Pope) from people who do not know some of these men personally! Fr. Francis and Fr. Kevin work harder than most of us will EVER have to work in our lives. Rumors of rampant gambling and frivolous spending are speculation. Any facts to them? I have seen none. Support these men in prayer until any facts come to the contrary. Divisions in the Church are exactly what the devil hopes for!

  17. This is not Church/Priest bashing. We are devout Catholics who want the truth.

  18. Why has there been no news about this? Surely something must be
    known by now?

  19. Paul Kilroy you were a Priest, did you quit being a priest when you moved to Las Vegas? Why??? I though once a priest always a priest??? I am so confused???

  20. What makes you say that he was a priest? If he was, then he still is but maybe without use of his faculties. He had to have done something bad for that to happen.

  21. I was a SEAS member for 11 years. SEAS, although a beautiful church, is cold and unfriendly. Just keep the money coming! I think that's their motto!
    I was involved in the school and church for most of those years so don't say it's because I wasn't involved! Father Kevin didn't know me from Adam yet my family and I came in contact with him often.
    I'm a convert of 20+ years now. I loved the rituals of the church having attended mass off and on with my aunt and uncle over the years. That's why I converted. But, it's a joke, a sham, and that's a shame.
    These are people - they aren't immortal. People make mistakes. People do dumb things. That's what makes them people!
    However, when they preach to us like they're the almighty, free from sin, and condone us for it, then I have a problem with it. So hypocritical. That makes me sick to my stomach.
    I'm thinking it's time to pick a new religion. What a shame.

  22. The fact that it has been 11 weeks and Msgr. Kevin is still on leave does not look good for him.

  23. Please pardon my frankness here, but where evil exists, there needs be a swift response. I worked for McAuliffe and Vivona, at SEAS and not briefly. I left,as did others. Kevin McAuliffe is now revealed. I take no pleasure in saying so, but for years mine was a sentiment that neither of these men should/could be trusted. Naive Catholics abound. I find it amazing that so many well intended people set their sights on an institution flawed and a weaker focus on the person of Christ. My experience leads me to no other conclusion. Francis Vivona should be investigated now. The financial records of his Byzantine Rite Church should be audited in the same fashion. If people actually think that monies from SEAS did not find there way to Francis Vivona, then you are, once again, fooled. Those of us who work and have worked at the Diocese know better. Imagine..standing upon the Sanctuary, year after year, stealing, lying and deceiving those good people, many my friends. At SEAS. It's not the place I knew in the late 90's. McAuliffe and Vivona have caused a harm that will resonate for quite some time.

    The other day, Saturday, my phone rang by the hour: "Wow, did you hear? Fr. Kevin is Guilty." "Yes, I know," came my reply, "..and I'm not surprised at all. My question is, when will Vivona be audited? And why is Bill Kenny walking the streets?"

    "Many will come in my Name..but beware..for they will appear as wolves in sheep's clothing."

  24. "Fr. Kevin shut down Imago Dei, a Radical Pro-Homosexual group, that were desecrating the Cathedral a while back."

    This is not true. Imago Dei meets at Christ the King. www.ImagoDeiLV.org

  25. Good Lord please help the Catholic Church! These comments read similarly to the political comments I read about what is going on in our country. It must be infectious... corruption that is! May He forgive us human beings for the dishonor we have brought upon His church.

  26. I am a former employee of the Diocese. Thus my choice to remain anonymous. To not do so would cause me great unrest, by supporters of the corrupt still, those enablers that still retain a trust in false priests. I have made statements on numerous posts like this one, here and beyond. I was one of a rare few, Diocesan staff, when all this started with McAuliffe, that tried to convey in the kindest manner possible that he and others wearing a Roman collar, including Bishop Pepe, were less than honorable. Now. Now. What more proof do you need? This entire Diocese needs a swift, surgical-like internal affairs investigation.

    Bishop Pepe needs to be removed. Immediately. No man of God would have allowed McAuliffe to go unchecked. It is inexcusable. All institutions fail where solid leadership is lacking. It's high time the good,true Catholics of this city, many very nice people, receive the leadership of a solid, prayerful Bishop, and not this one. Bishop Pepe has failed us all. He has damaged hearts and minds. Fact. The entire Diocesan structure needs to go. It is very sad, but it is very true.

    It is why I resigned, in 2005. I almost lost my faith because of Las Vegas priests. If Holy Spirit and good friends had not provided, I'd be lost and angry. Another wounded Catholic. It took me years to recover.

    Also, a prophecy obvious: There will be no positive interest in vocations to religious life, especially the priesthood-vocations will continue to decline until the Church is purged of false religious. You can thank people like McAuliffe, Kenny, Chanine, Vivona, Stoekig and others. Good men have no desire to serve as religious. Only a few chosen with a special grace will respond and these will hold strong the gates until evil is diminished. Do not be fooled any longer. There is an evil spirit in this Diocese. You must listen to me and pray for a new Bishop. If a new, holy and good man is not installed, you are in for further scandal. 10 years. 10 years, without holding McAuliffe to obedience. And, hardly any discipline toward Kenny. Can you imagine if a priest spent your Mothers life's savings? And yet, your Bishop allows Kenny to go on, unscathed. Scandal, in it's purest form. And further, Pepe allows Vivona to act "in residence" at SEAS. (A Byzantine Rite priest) I told you why already. I silenced the poor folks who were naive. Vivona is there so he can tap into the strong cash flow of SEAS. (Though, now, he know doubt lays low. His resource, a soon to be convicted felon) I know, my friends. Take heed to my words. I have seen the dark side of these men. I lived it. You do not have to print this. But you should. Truth needs a continued voice. My voice has been heard. I speak the truth.

    And Jesus turned to the High Priests and said:
    "You are like white-washed tombs.You look splendid on the outside.But on the inside, you are FULL of dead mans bones."

    White-washed tombs my friends, full of dead mans bones. The focus is now on you. All of you. Christ says to you now: "Who do you say I am?" Your answer to that question of The Master, will determine if you fall asleep and then run away like the Apostles-or like Simeon, help Him carry His cross-a new cross-built by the priests of Las Vegas.

    "Let those who can take my words do so. If you can't,you are not worthy of Gods Kingdom." (Quote: Jesus Christ)

    Who do you say He is? If you say,"He is the Christ.The Son of the Living God." Then, you will not settle. Wait for others to be pro active. No. You will, like St.Michael, defend your Church, by prayer and actions that find this Diocese with new leadership. If not, you are doomed.

    1. One year later. Financial investigations have been done in SEVERAL PARISHES of all rites. What? ZERO. May God forgive us all especially those who have misjudged and have gotten other people's reputation damaged. The tongue is a powerful weapon.

  27. If Kevin McAuliffe get's an easy verdict and the courts go soft on him, it's just another example of how Kenny slipped on by without much punishment whatsoever and will also reflect the reality of how the courts are in bed with the Diocese of Las Vegas. When I was a kid, I recall an old priest say: "There is more politics in Rome than in Washington D.C." I say this, because, if it were you or I, we'd be given the full extent of the laws punishment if we stole $650,000 from our employer. It makes me sick, the way priests are slapped on the wrist for major felonies such as this. $650,000 stolen. Lies. Deception. Mockery. While he preached a poor and crucified Christ. Many people seem to be missing the main point:

    If he came forward, in the midst of his addiction and confessed, that is real sorrow. That is true repentance. That is a sign of courageous confession of theft and sin.

    But he did not. He only became repentant, when caught, when another had to turn him in. Otherwise,he'd be stealing still.

    This is why he deserves the full extent of the laws punishment. Because his repentance came after the fact and only, only, when he got caught. Christian repentance, is confessing your guilt of sin to your community while you are still sinning. He never did this.

    He needs to be punished as you or I. Not as some priest,with a sorrow politically engineered by his Bishop and Lawyer.

  28. Dear anonymous from October 29. How do we help you? How can we help each other? I am also a victim, one of many that I know like you, who has information that, if combined with just a few more could be used, with the help of a canonical legal process to remove the devil and his followers from this corrupt Sin City Diocese. If we can find a way to share without fear and with trust we could help to put an end this corruption. Any ideas? If it can happen to the once untouchable Fr Kevin, it can happen to anyone who less deserving. (thank God he never made Bishop) We have the Almighty on our side. All things are possible. He wants his Church back!


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