Monday, October 20, 2014

Las Vegas Bishop Makes Ebola Recommendation

The Bishop's administrative assistant recently distributed a memo to priests recommending that Holy Communion should no longer be distributed on the tongue, that the Precious Blood not be distributed, and that parishioners should refrain from touching during the Sign of Peace. Las Vegas is a place filled with international visitors and some measure of caution may be prudent. However, in several parishes the pastors have announced that they will not distribute Holy Communion on the tongue. The impression is that you may not receive on the tongue. This is not accurate.

Please be aware that Redemptionis Sacramentum (92) is still in effect. Receiving in the hand cannot be insisted upon, and you cannot be denied Holy Communion if you present yourself to receive the Eucharist on the tongue.

The Bishop's guideline is not a mandate, it is a suggestion and a recommendation. The individual pastors can choose whether they would like to adopt the guidelines, but even so, the faithful are free to choose their posture for reception of the Holy Eucharist. Interestingly, in many parishes across the Diocese pastors have chosen to institute the guidelines as law.

It may be advisable to follow the Bishop's recommendation, and surely it has been made out of a place of care. But the faithful must not be intimidated, as their mode of reception is protected by actual church law.

The Bishop's assistant's memo is as follows.

TO: Priests of the Las Vegas Diocese

FROM: Phyllis Bagan for Most Reverend Joseph A. Pepe, D.D., J.C.D.

DATE: October 9, 2014

Re: Ebola Virus

We have received numerous recent inquiries about Rites of Communion given the recent Ebola Virus ("virus") situation. Most of the inquiries have been raised about persons visiting the affected countries and providing missionary work. This memorandum is by no means meant to frighten or panic anyone at this point; however, we are a vulnerable community. Moreover, because of the tourism and gaming industry bringing a large number of visitors from all over the world, I want you to be aware of the methods in which the virus is transmitted and to ensure cautionary measures are set in place to meet any occurrences.

According to the Center for Disease Control ("CDC"), there are a couple of ways in which the virus can be spread to others. These include: direct contact with bodily fluids, including saliva, of a person who is sick with the virus; or contact with objects that have been contaminated with bodily fluids of an infected person. The virus enters another person's body through broken skin or unprotected mucous membranes in, for example, the eyes, nose and mouth. 

Given this information, and out of an abundance of caution, we recommend that for the duration of the virus-related health concerns, those parishes distributing the Eucharist under both species limit distribution to just the Host. We also recommend that the Host be given in the hand, but not on the tongue.

You may also wish to advise parishioners that the Sign of Peace need not consist of personal contact such as handshakes or hugs, but a simple friendly acknowledgement of one another. Parishioners should be made to feel comfortable regardless of the method in which they offer each other the Sign of Peace. 

While we regret having to make these recommendations, the safety of our people is of paramount concern. Please let me know if you have any questions or if my office can be of any further assistance. Thank you and may God bless you. 

In the news: Church Militant TV (1 min. 57 sec.)

Letter from the Congregation for Divine Worship in response to a lay person seeking similar clarification during the H1N1 epidemic.

Call to Prayer:

Lord God, Divine Physician, be our strength and our protection. Help us to grow in faith and fidelity, that we may not worry for today but that we place our trust wholly in you. May devotion to your Eucharistic presence flourish among the faithful. In the presence of the Eucharist, inspire your servants with Awe, a gift of the Holy Spirit. Pour out an abundance of blessings upon our Bishop and our priests, who have consecrated their lives in service to you. Holy Mary, pray for us. Amen.

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