Tuesday, November 20, 2012

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and Fr. Bede Wevita - Part 3

This is the third and final part of the series on St. Elizabeth's and Fr. Bede. During a training for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Father Bede called into question the Real Presence in the form of the Blood of Christ by stating that if it spills, then it is no longer the Blood of Christ. Three different people confirmed the incident. Here are two direct quotes from those in attendance (emphasis added).
Quote 1: 
"He said that once the blood is mixed with contaminants on the floor it is no longer the blood but should still be treated with reverence."
Quote 2: 
"If the Precious Blood spills to the ground, we are to place the purificator over the spill  immediately, stand there in case others would step on it, then later (after Mass is over) we are to take a wet cloth to wipe it and absorb the spill. He then added that once the Precious Blood spills it is contaminated and no longer consecrated."
There is really not much more one can say about this, as it speaks entirely for itself.  We should give thanks to God that Fr. Bede still insists on treating the spill with reverence and according to the proper procedures even if he does not believe it to be the Precious Blood any longer.

Call to Prayer:

O Word Made Flesh, we thank you for the gift of yourself in the the Sacrament of the Eucharist and we glorify your Holy Name.  We ask that you give us the strength to follow your commandments in both letter and spirit, and to please you in every sphere of our lives, both public and private.

We humbly ask that you enkindle the fire of your love in your Holy Priests, and we ask you to foster joy in their hearts when they encounter expressions of devotion to your Real Presence.

May we all discover a sense of awe in the True Presence of Christ. Help our priests nurture and encourage the devotional life especially where they call to mind the deepest mysteries of Christ. Amen.


  1. Too bad you don't post everyone's responses. It shows me that this blogger is not truthful and obviously does not tell the whole story. Thank God that God knows the truth. I will pray that you come to seek the whole story and no longer "bear false witness."

    1. Please see the commenting guidelines. If you have commented and the comment wasn't published, it's because you have made an unsupported accusation, called someone nasty names, used curse words, or were otherwise insulting. Revise your comment according to these guidelines and try again.

  2. Why is there no online bulletin anymore for SEAS?

    1. The website that was used for publishing the bulletin is owned by the prior IT individual, who has not allowed its continued use. The new website is under construction.

  3. GIRM states in 280. "If a host or any particle should fall, it is to be picked up reverently. If any of the Precious Blood is spilled, the area where the spill occurred should be washed with water, and this water should then be poured into the sacrarium in the sacristy." This is EXACTLY what Fr. Bede stated. Again, I think any reference to the Real Presence was misunderstood and was in direct response to the consummation of spilled Precious Blood. The GIRM would not have us lick the Precious Blood off of the floor.

    A note of caution; Many of the references to Fr. Bede/Mr. Graveline are extremely misleading and should have been properly vetted before publishing.

    God bless


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