Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has been well documented as having contributed money in the past to organizations directly contradicting our faith. While they say they have cleaned up their act, the truth is that they continue to contribute money to questionable groups, including the
Industrial Areas Foundation - a group that works against the Church's teaching on subsidiarity. In light of the upcoming CCHD collection this weekend I am reposting my last entry regarding the CCHD and the IAF so that you may prayerfully consider where your money is going and what it supports.
Here is a link to a website that provides
investigative reports on the CCHD.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. You may instead consider giving money directly to a local Catholic organization, where you will know for a fact what it supports.
The Catholic church in Las Vegas is partially funding the Industrial
Areas Foundation, a group whose local branch calls itself the Las Vegas
Valley Interfaith Sponsoring Committee (LVVISC). The Industrial Areas
Foundation is a politically active Alinskyian organization that promotes
values in contradiction to Catholic teachings (see
"Bishop Supports Questionable 'Interfaith' Group").
The financial support of our local church in funding this group is not
rumor or an unfounded claim, but a fully verifiable fact.
local IAF branch published a document stating that they are financially
supported in part by local Catholic congregations (see document:
Funding by local Catholic Congregations) as well as by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
it is unknown at this time how much individual Las Vegas parishes have
contributed to a cause that works against Holy Mother Church, we do know
that according to the list of grants distributed by the Catholic
Campaign for
Human Development (CCHD) found on the USCCB website, $50, 000.00 has
donated to the Las Vegas Valley Interfaith Sponsoring Committee (LVVISC)
for the 2011-2012 year.
One might imagine that the
CCHD funding is simply a national grant that has nothing to do with the
Diocese of Las Vegas. But in fact, the CCHD money could not have been
obtained without the help from Deacon Tim O'Callaghan, Fr. Bob Stoeckig
and with approval by Bishop Pepe.
Here are the roles they each played in securing funding for this local branch of the Industrial Areas Foundation:
Deacon Tim O'Callaghan - Deacon Tim is the CCHD Diocesan Coordinator for the Las Vegas Diocese - Area E. (Source:
USCCB Website).
Deacon Tim is assigned to St. Andrew in Boulder City alongside Fr.
Stoeckig. The Diocesan Coordinator is responsible for reviewing the
organization's application, completing an evaluation, conducting site
visits, making the recommendation to the Bishop, and submitting the
Bishop's endorsement to the CCHD. Please explore Deacon Tim's
social action website for more information.
Fr. Bob Stoeckig - Fr.
Stoeckig was extremely vocal in his support for the LVVISC, organized a
delegation of St. Andrew parishioners to attend the rally, spoke at the
rally, and disclosed in the
St. Andrew bulletin
that he is actually a member of the LVVISC. Common sense tells us that
he, as the Catholic delegate to the LVVISC, would have be the person who
directed the LVVISC to apply for the $50,000 CCHD grant.
Bishop Joseph Pepe - Bishop
Pepe is responsible for reviewing the grant application, the
recommendation of the Diocesan Director, and for giving final
endorsement and approval for awarding the grant.
A description of the process and timeline for awarding grants can be found on the USCCB website link for the
grant process.
a more complete treatise on why the Industrial Areas Foundation is not
consistent with Catholic teaching and for insight into the CCHD's
historic role in funding the IAF, please review this article by
Among the reasons cited at the link above for questioning Catholic funding and support for the IAF are as follows:
"1. The principles of Saul Alinsky render any organization so
grounded unfit for receipt of Catholic charitable money. As the IAF
proceeds upon the principles of Saul Alinsky, the IAF should no longer
receive CCHD grants.
2. The IAF is an institutional-based organization.
Community organizing by religious institution, rather than by
individual, is unjust and robs the dissenting individual of his dignity
and right of conscience. As the IAF is an institutional-based
organization, the IAF should no longer receive CCHD grants.
3. The IAF has a demonstrable relationship with the
dissident organization Call to Action. Many points in the Call to Action
agenda contradict Catholic teaching. This relationship between the IAF
and Call to Action creates an example of material cooperation between a
CCHD-funded organization and an organization, which is not in accord
with Catholic teaching. Continued funding of the IAF, therefore,
violates the 1998 Draft of
Moral Guidelines for Funding by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
which states that "CCHD funds will not be used to support any project
which is sponsored or promoted by an organization whose primary or
substantial thrust is contrary to Catholic teaching, even if the project
itself is in accord with Catholic teaching." Therefore, the IAF should
no longer receive CCHD grants.
4. IAF activities in the area of education reform
contradict Catholic teaching. IAF activities in the area of welfare
reform also contradict Catholic teaching and subvert the work of its
member parishes. Again, continued funding of the IAF violates the 1998
Draft of
Moral Guidelines for Funding by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development,
which states that, "CCHD funds will be used to support only projects
that conform to Catholic teaching." Therefore, the IAF should no longer
receive CCHD grants.
5. The IAF is engaged in partisan political activities.
The use of churches by outside organizations, such as the IAF, to
promote their own "progressive issues" is inimical to the dignity of the
individual within the church who opposes that progressive agenda, and
is inimical to his rights of conscience. Therefore, continued CCHD
funding to the IAF is inappropriate.
6. The IAF has introduced theological distortions into a
number of Catholic communities. Cessation of CCHD grants to the IAF
would clarify that the IAF's theology is different from Catholic
theology, is inappropriate for promulgation in Catholic communities, and
disqualifies the IAF for such funding."
Call to Prayer:
Holy Spirit, You are the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are
the Spirit
of truth, love and holiness, proceeding from the Father and the Son,
and equal to Them in all things. We adore You and love You with all our
heart. Teach us to know and to seek God, by whom and for whom we were
created. Fill our hearts with a holy fear and a great love for Him. Help
us to be prudent stewards of the blessings you have seen fit to bestow
upon us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.