Monday, July 30, 2012

Audit Results Never Released for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

The parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (SEAS) are still waiting to see the results of the financial audit that was conducted on behalf of the Diocese of Las Vegas following the ongoing theft by Msgr. McAuliffe over the course of several years. The audit was conducted during 2011, after Msgr. McAuliffe's removal.

The Diocese allowed the SEAS parish council to very briefly see the audit results, but they were first required to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the findings. Furthermore, no one seems to know the name of the firm used to audit the parish.

Particularly in a situation of financial impropriety such as this one, the parishioners who donated their hard-earned money to the parish should be allowed to see the results in black and white. Not only did SEAS avoid audit for nearly 10 years, but now that an audit has been conducted in the face of scandal, the results are being withheld.

This would be the most appropriate time to institute the sort of transparency that would help parishioners regain their trust in the administration of the parish.

Call to Prayer:

God our loving Father, you are the One in whom we may always trust above all things. Help us to be confident in your divine providence. Help our Shepherds to not be fearful of the judgements that come with human failings, but to courageously start anew in a spirit of right judgement. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. The audit results should have been on the front page of the bulletin. It is after all the parishioners money that was taken. There is no reason that those who saw the results should have had to sign anything. What is wrong with this diocese?


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